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Showing posts from June, 2017

Writing Style

Remember, when you write, you supplement the written proofs of our existence. As soon as you put that ink on paper, you’ve etched a mark of your presence, of human footprint in the physical world. That mark is a testimony of who we are. Your words will travel to places unknown, to people unknown, and to times unknown. They will, most likely, continue to exist even after you. And believe me, with the current trends of self-destruction around the world, they may even be the last vestige of mankind! Well, that’s extreme, but isn’t it possible? For a writer, who creates and destroys worlds through words, everything is possible. I’ve always had this outrageous thought within me, what if, someday, all that we know today is annihilated? A few thousand years later, some new intelligent form of life pops up to re-populate earth. Or maybe an alien ship, passing across the skies, considers stopping by this beautiful blue planet! All they find is a book! Your book! Anyway, hope I got you